Friday, August 23, 2013

List of Items You Should Have in an Emergency


Many people don't realize the important aspect of pre-planning for an emergency. When things are going well, planning takes a back seat in our daily routines
It would be a good idea to get a carry bag and load it with any of the items on the list below. Some items may not be needed but at least you can see what could be needed that you didn't think about

This kit will be a bit of overkill if you are remaining in place but in the event you have to relocate (tornado, hurricane ECT) you will have what you need in one easy to grab bag so you can vacate. Just be sure you don't make it too large or heavy to carry with you.

This list is not "all inclusive" but will be a starting point and get you to thinking of individual needs

More list categories will be added later

All the items listed are either minimal cost or you already have them.

.Durable clothes, two sets
.Hiking boots or combat boots
.Extra socks, underwear, tee shirts, pile cap, "180" ear warmers, gloves
.Quart canteens of water or camel back system
.Energy bars
.Spare glasses
.Personal toiletries - one set in plastic containers
.Toilet paper and wet wipes
.Plastic trash bags
.Flashlight, crank and crank radio
.MREs / Pre packaged food for on the go
.Poncho and poncho liner
.Tube tent
.Sheath knife and folding pocket knife
.Multifunction tool
.Sleeping mat
.Lightweight sleeping bag
.Pen and notebook
.Foot powder
.Medicines, individual
.Sandpiper internal frame backpack
.Rags, clean
.Water filtration and purification items
.Fire starting system and paper for kindling
.Waterproof Matches
.Small first aid kit with pain killers
.Small folding shovel and small fold up stove - camping (ESBIT with fuel)
.Personal protection options

Please be sure to stop by my webstore

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