In the year 2012, the nation experienced numerous disasters: Hurricane Sandy, the flooding’s all over the nation, earthquakes across the world, the summer fires, and more. Increases in natural disasters have taught us that we need to be prepared. The thing that we still have to really learn is, how..? When do we prepare? Well folks, the answer to that one is, now!
A few things we learned about the disasters that happened last year is that disasters can happen at anywhere, anytime, and can affect anyone. Hurricanes are bound to happen and tornados are a given fact, but a few ways that you could possibly help yourself and many others is to just be prepared for any outcome. When we, humans, see the inevitable happen, we normally think to ourselves “that will never happen in my area”, when in actuality, the storm just hovered over your territory and realize that you are not prepared for the outcome. We can always be prepared as long as we push ourselves to the expectation that at some point, something or anything can happen to any of us, whether it is in your hometown or vacationing in paradise, always expect the unexpected.
In cases when a natural disaster occurs, the biggest and most efficient way to be prepared is to practice safety, make sure that you have the survival essentials for any form of unfortunateness, whether it be a fire in the hills from the summer or being stranded from your home during a flood. Staying prepared can not only lift your spirits when the disaster comes, but can potentially save yours and your family, friends, pets, or even a complete strangers life.
Imagine being in a disaster and not have anything to protect you, to keep you warm, dry, fed, or even kept out of the dark. It is not a pretty picture. Through the year of 2012, the main thing we have learned is to protect ourselves, our loved ones, and even animals from being washed away from the tragedy of any form of disaster, worldwide. Be safe, aware of your surroundings, and look out for one another, for we can never tell what Mother Nature will accomplish.
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